In this illustration I have combined my love of space with my love of books and my love of stars. I’ve been experimenting a lot lately with more expressive poses and dancers offer so many opportunities to do that. I’m also making my stars multicolored because stars are actually different colors and it’s just so much prettier.
In real life news, my girls only have one more week of school and then they are out for the Summer. I swear that every year goes by faster than the last. My oldest will be a Senior next year and the youngest will be a Sophomore. They are both trying to find jobs so I have been helping them fill out applications and also practicing with them how to call prospective employers- of course they don’t take any of it seriously. Of course I don’t recall anyone ever going over that stuff with me as a teen and I somehow made it through.
Once they are on Summer break then I will start painting and doing other little things around our house so that we can put it up on the market. It’s kind of nice having older kids who can help with that stuff. I really love our house but I’m so excited about buying something a little bigger and more ideal for our lifestyle. For instance, my studio is downstairs right now and since our house is partially underground it is FREEZING for most of the year. I have to paint with two space heaters going just to keep my fingers warm enough to work. And it’s cold down there even in the Summer because all of the cool air from the AC gets pushed down. That’s probably why I paint so many people in hats- it’s all I think about because I’m cold all the time 🙂 We have talked about rigging something up that is more ideal as far as a heater goes but nothing that we have talked about is workable and safe. But anyways, in our next house I want to be upstairs for sure!