I had mentioned a few times that my back was bothering me, and fortunately I am finally starting to feel better. Every once in awhile something happens to remind me to slow down a little. I have never been one to relax a lot or take it easy. I don’t just laze away my afternoons (probably should sometimes, but I don’t :). Even with reading, which is something that I really like to do, it’s more of a luxury. I normally only read when I literally cannot do anything else that would be more useful such as when I’m on a plane or in a long line somewhere. But with me trying not to push myself so my back would get better I have plowed through several books this week including One-Hundred Years of Solitude, Of Human Bondage, and I just started today Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights by Salman Rushdie. The latter is quite intriguing and I wish that I could write more about it, but I’m just not far enough into it.
Now that I am feeling a bit better I have been doing more painting. The above illustration is titled “Fleeting” – I just had to paint this one with a cute curly redhead. I’m doing more experimenting with not-so-perfect shapes. In the above, I really wanted the moon to have more of a jagged look juxtaposed with the pretty rainbow colors. I’m quite happy with the way it came out.