I really hate organizing and sorting things. We are working on getting our house ready to put on the market so I’ve been cleaning a lot- literally walking around the house with big garbage bags and just throwing things away. But every time I run into something that actually needs to be organized such as books, art supplies, or DVDs I break into cold sweats, hot sweats, nervous twitching and general nervousness.
So why is it so hard for me? I’ve given it a lot of thought and realized it’s because I have a hard time categorizing things. Take DVDs for instance. Do I alphabetize them? That doesn’t make sense because we have movies for babies on up to “R.” Do I categorize them by subject? That’s hard because lets say I put all the cartoons together. What about movies that use computer animation like Toy Story, do they go in the same category as an adult movie that uses computer animation? How unrealistic do they have to be to count as a cartoon?
One obvious way to sort the movies would be kid movies and adult movies but I watch a lot of kids movies. Where do I put The Princess and the Frog or Howl’s Moving Castle since those are cartoon for kids but I like them too? And even if I do separate everything into kids movies and adult movies then I have to decide on all the sub categories. Do I alphabetize the adult movies? Do I organize adult movies by genre? To make matters worse there are a lot of movies that could actually be in multiple genres. Iron Man is an action movie but I have to admit that I chuckle several times when I watch it. There are SO many possibilities and at the end of the day I think that I just don’t like categorizing things. If someone else like my husband or one of the kids organizes the movies then it doesn’t bother me at all. I will even sometimes put things back and keep the organization train going, as long as I don’t have to be the one to make the decisions.
Until next time, may your sky be starry, your hat be bold, and your DVDs unorganized!