So I was able to finish the painting that I started yesterday for the Illustration Friday topic “Sheep.” I had actually intended to post it yesterday but I guess I forgot and fell asleep. But anyways, here it is!
For the Illustration Friday topic “Green.” The title of this one is “Grace” and prints are available here in my Etsy shop.
A new illustration I made titled “Over the Moon.” In other news, my girls have their high school finals this week and then they will be home for the summer. In our area the high school has an open campus during finals week so I’m doing a lot of driving […]
In this illustration I have combined my love of space with my love of books and my love of stars. I’ve been experimenting a lot lately with more expressive poses and dancers offer so many opportunities to do that. I’m also making my stars multicolored because stars are actually different […]
Happy Sunday! I have a new illustration titled “Messages.” I paint so many illustrations with stars that I decided to try hearts on for size- see where that takes me. A print of the above illustration is available here in my Etsy shop.
I have been very busy working some pretty big projects but I do have this new illustration to share. The title is “Farewell” and it is available here. It’s a cute curly haired girl watching her bunny float away. I really should use more pink because it’s so pretty especially […]